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Dads! Are you struggling with how to
lead your family spiritually?


We want to help you by putting a resource in your hands that will help you as you seek to lead your family in worship, not just at church, but at home as well. We provide a free Family Devotional Guide and Activity Pages. Each Family Devotional Guide is based on one of our designs, because each of our designs was designed with purpose! Grab this week's Family Devotional Guide and Activity Pages!

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" is unlikely that exposure to the church once or twice a week will impress your children enough with the greatness and glory of God that they will want to pursue Him once they leave home. This is why family worship is so important. But even more importantly, God deserves to be worshiped daily in our homes by our families."           - Don Whitney  


Our name, 5iveAlone is a reference to the Five Solas of the Reformation.  We believe that salvation (and really all of the Christian life) is by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone, as found in the Scriptures Alone, to the Glory of God Alone.  We hope you will see these beliefs and values reflected in our designs.


In addition to our free family devotionals, 5iveAlone now proudly offers Bible study resources for both children and adults.


Our Bible study resources are extremely low-priced. There are resources perfect for helping your child learn to study the Bible on their own as well as resources to help you as you seek to feed yourself God's Word.


Check out our line of resources available now. Check back as we will work to expand this line of great beneficial resources!

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Click HERE to see all of our Bible study resources!

5iveAlone Gear


Be sure to check out our full line of 5iveAlone Gear!


Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.        Hebrews 12:1-2

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Trekking through the woods.     Swimming in a cool creek.     Relaxing around a campfire.

All of it enjoying the creation of God.

The 5iveAlone Camplife Collection is a collection of designs that celebrate what truly matters in life!

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Check out the entire line of "Camplife" Collection.
T-shirts and Mugs           Stickers. Posters, Magnets, and More

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There are five simple truths that have been put into five simple statements and handed down for the last 500 years since the Reformation began- Salvation is by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone,
according to the Scriptures Alone, all to the Glory of God Alone.

Proclaim these powerful truths to those around you with our retro takes on the classic Five Solas!

Check out the entire "Retro Reformation" Collection

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There are five simple truths that have been put into five simple statements and handed down for the last 500 years since the Reformation began- Salvation is by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone,according to the Scriptures Alone, all to the Glory of God Alone.

Proclaim these powerful truths to those around you with our elegant takes on the classic Five Solas!

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Our orders are fulfilled through third party websites.  Our line of apparel is fulfilled by Redbubble and our line of Home & Office merchandise is fulfilled by Zazzle and Redbubble.  When clicking to look at or buy an item you will be redirected to the appropriate website.  Thank you for visiting 5iveAlone!

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© 2020 by 5iveAlone. Proudly created with

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